About 1 in 45 children is homeless in U.S. – report
Homeless children suffer anxiety, depression – expert
A typical day is filled with many ups and downs
By Lucy Nicholson
Angelica Cervantes, 36, sits on a rock in the campground where she has been staying with her aunt Benita Guzman, 40, and their children, in Santa Paula, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. The two are homeless but stick together in an effort to keep seven of their eleven children together as a family. One in 45 children, totalling 1.6 million, is homeless, the highest number in United States’ history, according to a 2011 study by the National Center on Family Homelessness. California is ranked the fifth highest state in the nation for its percentage of homeless children. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
LOS ANGELES, March 9 (Reuters) – On her second day of camping near the coast northwest of Los Angeles, Benita Guzman lit a match, threw it on a pile of logs, and poured gasoline on top.
As flames engulfed her hand and foot, her niece, Angelica Cervantes, rushed to throw sand over her. Benita thrust her burning hand into a pile of mud, and took a deep breath.
Camping’s not easy. It’s a whole lot rougher when you’re a pair of homeless single mothers trying to keep seven children fed, clothed, washed and in school while living in a tent. A typical day is filled with ups and downs, disappointments and learning to relish in simple things, like a hot cup of coffee or a snack for your kids.
Angelica Cervantes, 36, packs up tents in the campground where she has been staying with her aunt Benita Guzman, 40, and their children, in Santa Paula, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. The two are homeless but stick together in an effort to keep seven of their eleven children together as a family. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
“It’s scary, especially at night,” Guzman told Reuters about her new life. “I’ve always been spoiled. I have a large family and when we went on camping trips, I was the princess.”
Angelica Cervantes, 36, holds her head as she stands in the campground she has been staying with her aunt Benita Guzman, 40, and their children, in Santa Paula, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
Guzman said she now lives “moment by moment, day by day.” If she does break down, she tries to hide it from her kids.
“They tell me, ‘If you crack, we all crack. If you break Mom, we all break, because you’re the one who holds us together.’ So that’s what keeps me going.”
A tear rolls slowly down her cheek.
Benita Guzman, 40, cries as she stands in the campground she has been staying with her niece Angelica Cervantes, 36, and their children, in Santa Paula, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
Guzman, 40, and two of her children are living with Cervantes, 36, and five of her kids. The two banded together in an effort to keep their families together.
Three of Guzman’s children and one of Cervantes’ are already staying with relatives, and neither wants their other kids taken away and placed in foster homes.
Angelica Cervantes, 36, (R-L), her daughter Veronica Cervantes, 9, her son Tomas Cervantes, 6, her daughter Preciosa Cervantes, 8, and her aunt’s daughter Melinda Guzman, 12, watch tv in a motel room after leaving a campsite because they couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take the children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
They all are part of a disturbing trend in the United States. One in 45 children, totaling 1.6 million, is homeless, the highest number in U.S. history, according to a 2011 report from the National Center on Family Homelessness.
Melinda Guzman, 12, walks into her school in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
“Homeless children have far more chronic and acute medical issues,” said the organization’s president Dr. Ellen Bassuk. “While in school it’s hard for homeless kids to pay attention. Many of them come in tired and hungry.
Angelica Cervantes, 36, (R) and her son Tomas Cervantes, 6, sit in a motel room after leaving a campsite because they couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take the children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
“Psychologically, homeless kids tend to be much more stressed,” she said. “Many have been exposed to a high level of violence, so many have a lot of anxiety and depression.”
Melinda Guzman, 12, sits in the corner of in a motel room after leaving a campsite because her mother couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take the children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
After three weeks of sleeping at a campsite, the family can no longer afford the rental van to ferry the kids to school, so at dawn the two women load the children into the minivan and leave the tents at the campground.
Richard Guzman, 20, stands by the tents where he has been staying with his mother and aunt, in Santa Paula, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
They shuttle between schools, drop off the kids, then find a public restroom to clean up. Guzman struggles to douse her thick curly hair with drops of cold water from the tiny sink. Both women slip into stalls to change clothes.
Benita Guzman, 40, washes her hair in the sink of a public restroom after dropping her children at school in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
They stop at a café for coffee. Guzman’s hair is wet and she shivers as she cradles her hot cup. They had been trying to cook meals on the campfire, but it was difficult keeping their bellies full. At one point recently, Cervantes said, her weight had dropped from 180 to 152 lbs.
Benita Guzman, 40, (R) and her niece Angelica Cervantes, 36, eat breakfast after dropping their children at school in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
After coffee, they drive to a shelter that they hope will take Cervantes with all her children and not reject the teenage boy. But they are too late and are told to return the next morning.
Cervantes became homeless after a series of problems that included her husband going to jail and her kids being put in foster homes. She struggled to hold down low-paying jobs, but owed more money to the foster care system than she was making.
“I barely had any income,” she said. “I didn’t have food stamps, so I was taking money I saved for rent to feed my kids.”
Angelica Cervantes, 36, sits after packing up tents at the campsite she has been staying with her aunt Benita Guzman, 40, and their children, in Santa Paula, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
After being evicted, she and her children moved in with Guzman, who had been living alone with her kids since her husband moved out five years ago.
But Guzman’s son Richard fought at school, and she missed her annual appointment for housing benefits to attend his probation hearing. She called to reschedule, but twice was sent letters with an appointment only to find the dates had already passed because she had received the letters too late.
She was evicted this past Christmas.
Benita Guzman, 40, eats breakfast after dropping her children at school in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
“In some states there are prevention services so that low income families who are on the edge don’t end up being evicted,” said Bassuk. “Because once homeless, it’s very hard to get back into the community and find permanent housing.”
Benita Guzman, 40, puts possessions in a storage locker after leaving a campsite because she couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take her children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
Affordable, permanent housing isn’t all that’s needed. Bassuk said transportation and child services are also necessary so single moms can go to work and know that their kids are being well cared for.
Melinda Guzman, 12, (R) and Alma Cervantes, 4 play in the campground where they have been staying in Santa Paula, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
The women, who get by on government subsidies and welfare programs, decide to find a cheap motel room for the night so the children can walk to school in the morning.
Angelica Cervantes, 36, checks into a motel after leaving a campsite because she couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take her children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
By the time they check in that evening, Cervantes can’t stop clutching her aching head. Guzman carries only a box of snacks – carrots, oranges, chips – and a cooler of sodas.
Benita Guzman, 40, takes her belongings into a motel room after leaving a campsite because she couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take her children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
The children rush excitedly toward the first bed they’ve seen in weeks and begin bouncing on it while trying to work the television remote control.
Melinda Guzman, 12, (L-R) Tomas Cervantes, 6, and Preciosa Cervantes, 8, play in a motel room after leaving a campsite because their mothers couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take them to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
“Let’s see in the drawers, if they have clothes for us,” said 6-year-old Tomas Cervantes.
Preciosa Guzman, 8, takes a shower in a motel room after leaving a campsite because her mother couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take the children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
His 9-year-old sister, Veronica, lay down on the bed and pulled out a wobbly tooth.
“The tooth fairy’s not going to come,” taunted Tomas.
The children become hungrier as the night wears on, as they wait for Guzman to return with dinner.
Angelica Cervantes, 36, (L) lies on the bed in a motel room with her daughter Veronica Cervantes, 9, after leaving a campsite because she couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take her children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
Preciosa Cervantes, 8, climbs from the refrigerator onto a high shelf where the snacks are stored. Her mother tells her to get down. By the time Guzman returns with a bucket of fried chicken, a couple of the kids are already sleeping.
Preciosa Guzman, 8, (R) tries to reach a box of snacks as she waits for dinner in a motel room after leaving a campsite because her mother couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take the children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
Tomas drowsily bites into piece after piece. He burrows under the covers in the only remaining space at the foot of the bed and falls asleep with a bag of chips in his hand.
Tomas Cervantes, 6, (2nd R) eats chicken as he sits with his mother Angelica Cervantes, 36, (R), and his sisters (L-R) Alma Cervantes, 4, Preciosa Cervantes, 9, and Veronica Cervantes, 9 in a motel room after leaving a campsite because they couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take the children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
His brother Francisco Gona, 15, tries to do his homework, but looks up occasionally at “The Dukes of Hazzard” on TV.
Francisco Gona, 15 (L) does his homework as his brother Tomas Cervantes, 6, lies in bed in a motel room after leaving a campsite because his family couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take the children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
“I’ve taught them all – you finish school,” said Guzman. “I think it’s going to help them grow,” she says. “When they get older and they end up in a situation, they will have skills that a lot of kids don’t have. They’re going to learn unity.”
Angelica Cervantes’ children (L-R) Alma Cervantes, 4, Preciosa Cervantes, 9, and Veronica Cervantes, 9, sleep in a motel room after leaving a campsite because Angelica couldn’t afford to keep the rental car to take the children to school, in Port Hueneme, some 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California February 28, 2012. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson